Monday, March 25, 2013

Freshly out of the shower, hair still up in a towel, I was standing in the kitchen looking out the window and sipping my beloved morning cup of tea.  It was a day off for me, and instead of scheduling an early dark-thirty appointment and embarking on my normal furious “must get it all done yesterday” pace, I uncharacteristically and most intentionally chose to protect the boundaries of this precious 24 hours and elect to make it a day of slowing down.  Naturally, my inner chaotic-loving voice chided me in a nagging, high-pitched voice at the speed of sound – listing all the “undones”:  rooms to clean and organize, shopping to be done, laundry to be schlepped down to the basement and washed/dried/put away – and that was just scratching the surface of the household chores.  I felt my guilt rising (along with my blood pressure) as I was reminded of the umpteen other errands and tasks that faced me once I jumped in the car. 

Mind you, these days I never walk to the car. I either waddle while juggling bags, pocketbooks and a 20 oz cup of tea threatening to spill (yet again), or I make the mad dash (late again) from back door to porch through open garage door to awaiting car door in a single bound.  Trust me, Superman would be jealous… until he couldn’t stop laughing when my book bag loop catches the screen door handle (yet again) and I am snapped back like the fly fisherman’s rod!  It’s not pretty, and I think my neighbors are starting to sell tickets.  But I digress…

So here I stand in the quiet of my kitchen, and I suddenly am aware of my tea.  It tastes wonderful, and the heat deliciously warms my throat and stomach.  I savor the moment.  Outside my window, the leftover winter leaves are gently dancing across the back yard, as if they are excited about the coming of spring.  I find myself smiling at their antics as if I were watching a group of children scampering around a playground.  As I take a deep breath, I am aware of how fresh my body feels after being in the hot shower, something I rarely notice in my morning race against time in the life that I now refer to as another episode of Beat the Clock. 

This space of time in my life is suddenly, yet unhurriedly, the most precious of gifts.  I am in the moment, drinking in the sights, smells and feelings of NOW.  I whisper a prayer of gratitude to God for giving me this day and all that it holds, and ask His forgiveness for rushing past His many blessings in my driven days.  I ask Him for eyes to see and ears to hear, and thank Him for helping me to have the fortitude to stop my rushing for this one day and just BE. 

Oh, I know I need to hasten to the day, but I’m going to do it just a bit more mindfully, and with a slower and more gentle pace.  I carefully grab my teacup as I smile at the screen door’s handle (not today, my friend), and get ready to embrace the rest of today, one moment at a time.

Exercise your slow down muscles, your intentional/mindful muscles this week, wild women.  Be gentle with yourselves, remember to seek out/look for/and count your many blessings and rejoice in the NOW of your day.

Coach Linda

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