Thursday, July 19, 2012

Tedious to Tickled Thursday

I have had a v-e-r-y loooooong week so far. Nothing earth-shattering or heart-pounding (thank You, Lord), but a series of daily little nit-picky stressors that wear you down. It’s like you’re lying on the beach and a few grains of sand get flecked on you over and over until you feel buried alive! I’m sure you are reading this and nodding your head in empathy. Tedious …dreary and mind-numbing and tiresome… yep yep yep, that pretty much sums up the last few days.

Around lunchtime today I took a walk to grab some salad and just get out of my own way. The heat in NJ had broken at last, and I was welcomed as I walked out the door by a cool breeze and pale grey skies. I couldn’t help but pause to breathe slowly and allow the air to surround me. I could feel the tension in my body slowly escape as I exhaled – it was lovely.

Walking along, I came upon a beautiful patch of sunflowers, butter yellow and bright as can be. Once again I stopped to drink in their cheerfulness. Leaning in closer, I found a bee dancing over one particular flower and eventually resting upon its cushioned brown-button center. I wondered if he had also had a long week and laughed as I imagined him complaining like I’ve been doing (“Jeez, all week long it’s been pollinating, flying, landing, pollinating, flying… blah blah blah I’m sick of this!”). The photograph you see on today’s blog was a photo op moment for which he graciously posed!

He was a very obvious reminder to me that I need to BE in the moment and BE grateful for what I have and to BE gentle to myself and take care not to let life’s hamster wheel get to me. As the saying goes, I'm not a human DOing but a human BEing (although some might argue that point when I get into one of these slumps)! Most importantly, I need to remember that I BE BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE.

May I encourage you today to exercise your inner sleuth to reveal one little moment in your day that will take you from the tedious and tickle your spirit and help lift you up? You’ll BE glad you did!


Coach Linda

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