Monday, August 19, 2013

Movin' and Motivated Monday

Today is the third week of August… we’re quickly coming to the close of another summer and about to embark into the autumnal days of this year in exactly 35 days.  Thanksgiving is 101 days away, Christmas is 128 days away, and a new year will begin in exactly 134 days, give or take a few hours depending on where in the world you live.

So now that you have these dates in mind, you can begin to plan accordingly.  How much money do you want to have saved for holiday shopping?  You have approximately 120 days to save your pennies if you want until the last week of Christmas to get your gifts.  You have 94 days – giving yourself an extra week for purchasing/prepping – to plan your Thanksgiving menu.  How would you like to start off 2014?  You have 133 days to plan your healthful eating/exercise plan, so that you won’t have to worry about a crazy new health plan for 2014.  Imagine that?  No new year’s resolutions to lose weight/inches, etc.  You’ll have already tackled that goal!!!

It’s Monday – a fresh new week in front of you.  Start thinking about your goals/plans for the week, the month, the Fall, the Winter, the rest of the year.  It’s never too late to begin planning and taking baby steps towards your goals.  Begin today.  And if you need help/coaching, email/call me and allow me to partner with you to reach those goals.  Stop procrastinating and start building  – don’t put off your life. 

Live it N-O-W!

You have never been as old as you are this minute, nor will you ever be as young as you are right now.  

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