Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wild Woman Wednesday

Wild Women are wild, but we’re careful about safety. Today’s post is about fire safety. I know... not the most glam or sexy topic, but necessary and possibly life-saving!

I was on Amazon doing a little shopping today, and their “God Box Deals!” showed a Kidde Fire Extinguisher for $44.47 – 59% off! Hoo-whoooo!!! Safe and thrifty! When I went on I also found the Kidde FX10K Kitchen Fire Extinguisher, and the Kidde KL-2S Two-Story Fire Escape Ladder in a combination sale – all three for $77.83. Now, as we all know from being frugal financial fitness wild women, just because something is a deal doesn’t mean it’s in our budget or a need (versus a want). However, I opted to purchase this combo because I felt it was a need in our home. You can find all of these items at your “Recommended by Linda Bush” store.  Just click!

It’s one of those Stephen Covey Quadrant II issues: important but not urgent, where we find preparation, planning, prevention, relationship building and personal development. Of course, when you’re facing a fire and it suddenly moves to the Quadrant I issues of Urgent and Important (crisis mode) you won’t care so much about that budget as you will putting the fire out! As the old commercial slogan used to say, “Weigh it for yourself, honey!”

Additionally, did you know that September is National Preparedness Month? Make sure you and those you love are prepared should you find yourself dealing with a fire. Do you have an escape plan? Fire extinguishers? Smoke alarms with working batteries? Portable ladders for two+ story homes? You can find out all this and more by reading the fire safety information at the U.S. Fire Administration section of the FEMA website at: As we come into the cooler months of autumn and winter, more candles will be lit, fireplaces will be used and holidays lights will be strung. Start now to create a fire-safe home!

Do you have students in college? Then be sure to read (and give those precious children to read) this article on Campus Fire Safety at Granted, you’ll probably hear the standard issue “Oh, Moommmmm” with the face and the rolling of the eyes… but they need to be prepared in case of a dorm room/campus fire.

So exercise your safety muscles, read up on fire safety and prepare your home with the above-mentioned products. Remember, wild woman are VERY HOT, but in all the safe ways!


Coach Linda Bush

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