Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Thrifty Tuesday

On your wheel of life one of the spokes is education/self-development.  What are you doing to improve yourself educationally today?  I’m a HUGE advocate of being a lifelong learner… formally, informally and everyday in snippets and wonder!  Especially in the summer there are a number of free education opportunities to take advantage of – contact your local library, museum, planetarium, college and see what they may be offering for you. 

Additionally, through iTunes University you can take a free online course from the major universities around the world – they offer 300,000 FREE lectures!!!  C’mon, you should be able to find a few that will interest you in that variety.  Surf to places like 

to see what free courses are online – both in audio and video presentations.  You can get audio CDs for your car and learn a new language as you commute, for example.  Check this site for free audio books online:  

I keep an apps section called “READING” on my iPhone that holds my kindle books, my audible.com books, downcasts and podcasts so that, instead of being at the mercy of some DJ on word overload, I can listen/”read” while in the car.  Let me tell you, it really helps me feel less victimized by traffic jams – at least I’m doing something productive while stuck!  Search the internet for classes on YouTube, find podcasts… there’s just no limit to what you can listen to and read – for FREE.

Rummage through a local used bookstore – and often libraries sell used books as well for next to nothing.  Recently I was shopping at my favorite market, Whole Foods, and I happened upon a little set-up of used donated books that they had set up to raise funds for a community project.  I found three paperback books and only paid $1 each for them. 

You don’t have to spend your ice cream cone allowance on tuitions.  Be a saving sleuth and begin pursuing your educational/self-developmental dreams without busting your summer budget.  Exercise that brain this summer (the sexiest part of any woman) – you want to be brain and bod beach ready!  Instead of reading some drippy excuse of a book that will cause your grey matter to drip out of your ears, invest the time in yourself with substance, something that will take you to new education levels and empower you to keep reaching for your goals.

Now that makes a LOT of summer cents, doesn’t it?   Did I mention free????


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